| Título | Tipo | Autor | Año |
Towards greater family policy integration across Europe. Overcoming sectoral fragmentation in supporting families with young children
| Informes | Serapioni, Martino | 2023 |
Girls on the move: una investigación sobre las niñas y jóvenes migrantes africanas hacia España e Italia
| Informes | Park, Maureen ; Churchill, Mickaela ; Mars, Abir | 2023 |
El éxito en la educación primaria y secundaria: estudio comparado
| Informes | Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional. Consejo Escolar del Estado | 2020 |
El papel de los centros de educación especial en el proceso hacia sistemas educativos más inclusivos. Cuatro estudios de casos: Newham (UK), New Brunswick (Canadá), Italia y Portugal
| Informes | Muñoz, Yolanda ; Martín, Elena ; Palomo, Raquel ; Echeita, Raúl | 2020 |
At a crossroads: unaccompanied and separated children in their transition to adulthood in Italy
| Informes | ISMU Foundation | 2019 |
Children of Austerity: Impact of the Great Recession on Child Poverty in Rich Countries
| Informes | Cantillon, Bea (ed.) ; Chzhen, Yekaterina (ed.) ; Handa, Sudhanshu (ed.) ; Nolan, Brian (ed.) | 2017 |
Young children (0-8) and digital technology: a qualitative exploratory study across seven countries
| Informes | Chaudron, Stéphane | 2015 |
A study of the impact of the crisis and austerity on people, with a special focus on Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain
| Informes | Cáritas Europa | 2014 |
The impact ofthe european crisis: a study of the impact of the crisis and austerity on people, with a special focus on Greece, Ireland, Italy and Spain
| Informes | Caritas Europa | 2013 |
Adolescentes y Social Media: 4 Generaciones del Nuevo Milenio
| Informes | Ranni, Francesca | 2013 |