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Observatorio de la Infancia en Andalucía y Adolescencia de Andalucía
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Psychosocial Intervention (Vol. 26, No. 01)


Año: 2017

ISSN: 1132-0559

Páginas: 62 p.

Título revista: Psychosocial Intervention

Año; mes; volumen; (nº): págs de la revista: 2017; Abril; 26; (1) : 62 p.

Idioma: Inglés

Fuente: Psychosocial Intervention

Formato: Web

Temáticas: Psicología

Descriptores: delincuencia, violencia escolar


  • Dynamic factors in the behavior of young offenders with social adjustment. A study of recidivism/ José Javier Navarro-Pérez, Enrique Pastor-Seller
  • Subjectivity construction in school failure paths. Transition pathways provided for labour insertion for adolescents at risk/ Míriam Abiétar-López, Almudena A. Navas-Saurin, Fernando Marhuenda-Fluixá, Francesca Salvà-Mut
  • Antisocial behavior: Connection with bullying/cyberbullying and conflict resolution/ Maite Garaigordobil
  • Asylum-seeking children in Spain: Needs and intervention models/ Amaia Bravo, Iriana Santos-González

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