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The European Journal of Public Health (Volume 27, Issue 2)


Año: 2017

ISSN: 1101-1262

Título revista: The European Journal of Public Health

Año; mes; volumen; (nº): págs de la revista: 2017; Abril; 27; (2)

Idioma: Español

Fuente: The European Journal of Public Health

Formato: Web

Temáticas: Salud

Descriptores: obesidad, desigualdad social, hábitos de vida



  • Are health inequalities rooted in the past? Income inequalities in metabolic syndrome decomposed by childhood conditions/ Paola A. Mosquera; Miguel San Sebastian; Anneli Ivarsson; Lars Weinehall; Per E. Gustafsson
  • Social class variation, the effect of the economic recession and childhood obesity at 3 years of age in Ireland/ Samira Barbara Jabakhanji; Milena Pavlova; Wim Groot; Fiona Boland; Regien Biesma
  • Effectiveness of interventions to improve lifestyle behaviors among socially disadvantaged children in Europe/ Anne I. Wijtzes; Vivian M. van de Gaar; Amy van Grieken; Marlou L.A. de Kroon; Johan P. Mackenbach
  • Social inequality in adolescents' healthy food intake: the interplay between economic, social and cultural capital/ Bart De Clercq; Thomas Abel; Irene Moor; Frank J. Elgar; John Lievens

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