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Observatorio de la Infancia en Andalucía y Adolescencia de Andalucía
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Policies to Promote Child Health


Año: 2015

Páginas: 197 p.

Título revista: The future of children

Año; mes; volumen; (nº): págs de la revista: 2015; Marzo; 25; (1) : 197 p.

Idioma: Inglés

Fuente: The future of children

Formato: Web

Temáticas: Salud

Descriptores: nutrición, salud mental, asistencia sanitaria, política sanitaria


  • Policies to Promote Child Health: Introducing the Issue/ Janet Currie and Nancy Reichman
  • How Healthy Are Our Children?/ Sara Rosenbaum and Robert Blum
  • Promoting Health in Early Childhood/ Maya Rossin-Slater
  • Child Health and Access to Medical Care/ Lindsey Leininger and Helen Levy
  • Food Assistance Programs and Child Health/ Craig Gundersen
  • Housing, Neighborhoods, and Children's Health/ Ingrid Gould Ellen and Sherry Glied
  • Children's Health in a Legal Framework/ Clare Huntington and Elizabeth Scott

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